Bring ShiningStars to your school!

  • Registration

    We make registration easy and supply your school with all the marketing materials you need. Our program runs month to month, parents are never locked into a contract and can stop and start at any time of the year with ease.

  • Communication

    We handle all parent communication through our Brightwheel app. Parents get a note after every class explaining what we did on that days adventure. We also send out Brightwheel notifications and text messages to keep parents up-to-date on play dates and any class time reschedules.

  • Logistics

    We focus on social and communication skills, so all we need for class is our bodies, voices and imagination. There is no messy or large set up and clean up. Classes can be held in whatever area you have available, including an open classroom, rec room or outside.

Have you heard about the school play?!

We hold a play at the school twice a year for parent-paid schools. These plays are quick, easy and absolutely adorable. We handle all the set up and clean up.

Interested to learn more?

Contact us today!

brave, creative leaders for life!